Fresh and innovative things are developing on the campus of Gammon Theological Seminary in the Atlanta University Center. Speaking before a crowd gathered at the west side of Gammon Hall, President Dean Candace M. Lewis greeted those in attendance and then spoke briefly about new things happening at her school. On this occasion, she said, at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Gammon Student Lounge, that this was the first of many new things to come at Gammon. The lounge is a special place, with nice bench chairs and tables, comfortable sofas, TV monitors, ample study areas, and other amenities, all designed to make students from Spelman feel welcome. Gammon Hall will be “home” to fifty-one Spelman students this school year, and they will occupy dormitory rooms on the upper and lower levels of the building. Pictured at the Gammon Student Lounge ribbon-cutting are (left to right) Recent Gammon PhD graduate Dr. Kyland Pew, United Methodist Church Bishop, Sharma D. Lewis, Gammon Theological Seminary President Dean, Dr. Candace M. Lewis, Gammon Trustee, Dr. Mackie Norris, former president of Gammon Seminary, Bishop Alfred L. Norris Sr., and Gammon Alumni president, Dr. Katurah Johnson.
Gammon Theological Seminary Opens New Student Lounge