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Book: Broken, Bruised and Confused by Anthony Clark

What is the book about?

Broken, Bruised, and Confused is a literary work that details Anthony Clark’s journey from boyhood to manhood. The book is also a guide to helping others ascertain life’s journey by analyzing their upbringing, which most likely influenced their life choices. I wrote with the intention of helping others to reflect and reset their thought process to get the most out of life. Even in making bad choices and decisions, even when these are unconscious, we will be held liable to account for the consequences in the eyes of God.

What was the motivation for writing this book?

As I began writing my books, I became motivated and realized the need to heal and find my inner peace and happiness. While sitting in my prison cell, lamenting my past, I had the time to go deep into my inner self and question my choices in my life’s journey. I needed to go deep within to find out what led me to make some of the choices and decisions that gave rise to my here-and-now. I started a journal from my cell. In journaling, I was able to ascertain things that happened to me that I was unaware of. With the help of my journals, I tell the story of my journey.

What did you discover about yourself in writing this book?

The key thing that I learned from writing this book was that narrative therapy was an effective form of healing for me. I also learned that I had a knack for not only reading but also writing. I realized that God was truly using me to tell my story so that it might possibly help someone else even after I depart this earth.

What you like the reader to take away from the book?

Even though we may be unaware of quite a few things that happened to us in our youth that most likely broke us, bruised us, and confused us, I strongly believe that we still have the ability and a chance to go deep within and excavate those things that were hindering us from moving forward or being misaligned in relationships, which ultimately leads us to repeating the same cycles and making the same mistakes.

What did you learn from writing this book?

In writing this book, I enter with the determination of leaving a legacy of storytelling and film-making to the next generation. I had this strong desire to have my children and future generations learn from my self-discovery and the things that impacted my journey; good or bad. There was a need for creating that light that would allow generations to connect with their lineage while finding strength in past wisdom. In writing the book, I learned to listen to the voices of the past and show reverence to their learning.

Anthony Clark - Book Broken, Bruised and Confused
Anthony Clark – Book Broken, Bruised and Confused
Anthony Clark - Book Broken, Bruised and Confused
Anthony Clark – Book Broken, Bruised and Confused
Anthony Clark - Book Broken, Bruised and Confused
Anthony Clark – Book Broken, Bruised and Confused

Last updated on September 11, 2023

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